PERG DOT ERG Background

Time: 8:30am
Local Weather: Damp morning with a strong wind blowing NNW.


Greenville is a community of 87,000. There is a commercial airport and an Air National Guard Base located approximately 25 miles North of the community.

There is an early morning release from a major pipeline running from a terminal to an airport 55-60 miles to the North. The pipeline carries primarily jet fuel, JP 8 and aviation gas. The pipeline runs along a railroad right of way, which is periodically within a 1,000 feet of a major river. The cause of the failure is unknown at this point.

There are two intermediate, remotely controlled, block valves on the line. One is at mile post 16 (16 miles from the terminal) and the other is at mile post 38. The leak is in a 10 inch pipe at approximately mile post 35. The pipeline at the terminal pumps at 1200 psi.

Product is moving Southwest towards a creek. This creek is usually dry, but today it has water flowing after a rain storm the night before. Upon arrival first responders report that there is already heavy flow of product on the ground, moving towards the creek.


Greenville Fire Department is a combination fire department with career and volunteer responders. The career department has a full complement of 65 firefighters and officers. There are three volunteer houses. Each has 20-30 members. Each volunteer can bring 3 men to the scene in one vehicle. Seven additional men will arrive in their own vehicles.

The career fire department is first on scene with two engines, a ladder truck, and a chief officer. There are 10 men in total. The third volunteer company is also responding to the initial call with 3 men. There are an additional two volunteer engines and 8 men at the station, ready to respond.

The total response for the community can include up to 55 men in an “all call”. Mutual Aid will bring 50 responders in 20-30 minutes and 100 additional responders within 2 hours.


There are 12 officers on duty at the time of the event and 5 state or county troopers in the area. The Greenville emergency plan can provide 100 additional law enforcement officers within an hour. A Greenville police officer is on the scene and three other officers are on the way. There is also a supervisor on scene to determine if more law enforcement personnel are needed.

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IntroductionProceed »

Greenville Map

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Pipeline Information

Do you have knowledge of where pipelines are located in your community and what products are transported in them?

Have you prepared for a pipeline release in your community?

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Pipeline Information SupportProceed »


Initial Considerations

You have received multiple conflicting reports of gasoline like odors. Some say the odor is gasoline and others say diesel. Where would you go for more help?

Click on the marker for more information from the SCADA operator.

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Where To Go For HelpProceed »

Learning Check #1 - Establish Isolation Zones

Which of the zones below would you identify as the initial isolation zone?

Discussion Command and Staging Proceed »


Incident Command

Emergency Operations Center

Exercise - Command and Staging

As the first senior member of the response effort, drag and place Staging and Incident Command in the appropriate location on the map. Where would you set up the Emergency Operations Center?

NIMS and for Incident Commands

Are you aware of a NIMS or ICS system in place in your jurisdiction?

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a comprehensive national approach to emergency management, applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. NIMS provides a consistent nationwide approach for federal, state, tribal entities, local governments, and private and non-governmental organizations to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity.

Why Should I Be Concerned About ICS and NIMS?Proceed »

Learning Check #2 - ICS / NIMSProceed »

Drag and place the following function to the appropriate positions in the NIMS system chart below.

Making Sense of NIMSProceed »

Learning Check #3 - NIMS Assigments and Tasks

Drag and place each task to the box you believe represents the member of the ICS team responsible for completing that assignment within the NIMS structure.

Unified CommandProceed »

Learning Check #4 - Strategic Goals and Incident Action Plan

The strategic goals for the IAP should be established by the command team.

Drag and place each tactic below to assign the tactic with the correct agency.


Training Scenario #3 - Liquid Pipeline Release with Major Environmental and Public Safety Impact